IMS Board : important meeting in October

The IMS* Board members planned 7 meetings in 2022. The 6th meeting was held on 13 October 2022. 


This meeting was important in the sense that the participants went through the usual topics, but also the preparation of the annual Sections – Board meeting (23-24 November), as well as reflections on the 2023 actions.


The supervision of the management and the financial situation of the Association was analysed with Marc Garnier, the new Director General of the Union Saint-Martin. The IMS actuary then presented the results of his study on the 2021 and 2022 financial years, with points of attention notably on the number of Group members and the cost of health care in the countries.


The IMS directors also studied the conditions for carrying out the mission within the IMS Sections. This point will be part of the focus of the Sections’ meeting and then of the November Board meeting with, as priorities, efficient services to the IMS Groups and the proposal of IMS coverage to religious communities that do not yet know the Association.


* The Bureau of the IMS , in October 2022, is composed of Sister Auliac (President), Father Pecqueux (Vice-President), Father Girard (General Secretary), Sister Amoussou (Treasurer), Sister Gérard (member of the Bureau) and Father Sidot (Technical Advisor).