East Africa

Members and development of the East Africa Section

July 11th, 2022.

At the end of the first semester of this year, the East Africa Section had 5,282 affiliated members to IMS, distributed in 114 different groups. We experienced a growth of 95 members, in relation to the number of members that were at the end of 2021. Nevertheless, we have realized that the distribution of the members in different countries, it is concentrated very much in Kenya, as the center of operations of the Section is in this country.

The distribution of the members by countries, considering the location where the group manager is based, gave us the chart above.


The chart helped us to realize the need to put more efforts in making IMS known in some countries, where our presence is a bit low, and to improve the services to the groups that are already present in the registration list.


It is in this sense that from the Section we contacted some new groups in Rwanda, and assisted some of the groups in Kenya who were having some problems to access to the current network of services, and instructed them on how to improve the benefits they can have from this Benefit Society.


In the near future, two important meetings are programmed to groups in Rwanda and in Burundi, in order to offer good capacitation and to invite new groups to know the benefits that IMS is offering to them. Our intention of these encounters is to make people know about the healthcare network of solidarity we have within the Church.


The Congregation of the Incarnate Word Sisters, present in Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya are interested in knowing more about IMS and the way to operate.


Picture in Rwanda: with the Superior General of the Congregation and the Regional Superior of them.





Br Teo Grageda, secretary of the East Africa Section visited in the Diocese of Bungoma, Kenya, the Monastery of Our Lady of Light, who are members of IMS and required some explanation on the way to operate.


Picture of the cathedral of Bungoma, Kenya