The IMS Social Fund

The groups of the International Missionary Benefit Society may request exceptional assistance to supplement in part the reimbursement of very high expenses, for example hospitalisation or important dental, auditory or optical healthcare, to assist medical repatriations and to assist fragile congregations with fulfilling their obligation to assist their members in serious and onerous cases.


Each section contributes 0.5% of the contributions to the Social Fund.


In practice

The groups first make a request to the Social Fund committee of their section. This is level 1. Then according to the amount that remains to be paid, they can make a request to the IMS international Social Fund committee. This is level 2.  The supplement paid is made up to a maximum amount of 50% of the remaining sum borne by the Groups as regards level 1 and the same too for level 2.

You too, please do not hesitate to submit requests when you have particular needs. The Social Fund committees will study your requests carefully.

For this, once they have received assistance from the IMS for this healthcare expenditure, the Group Manager compiles a folder to support the request and forwards it to their reference Section.

The Social Fund committees meet at least twice a year and for situations considered as exceptional, they may meet in an extraordinary session.

For information

Between 2017 and 2020, 229 requests for aid were granted for a total amount of €1,012,355, 147 of which at level 1 for €833,566 and 82 at level 2 for €178,789. Most of this aid is for hospitalisations, medical evacuations and dental expenses.


This folder must contain the following documents:

  • The form provided for this purpose
  • Documents indicating the care received and payment of the assistance in question
  • The certificate of reimbursement by the IMS.
  • Photocopies of the assistance paid (or not reimbursed directly) by the member’s supplementary healthcare insurance, if any.
  • Any assistance granted by the 1st level Social Fund or other recourse.



Father Francis Kihm

Group manager and member of the Steering committee

As IMS Group manager for the Congregation, I regularly deal with the General Section. I already knew the Association, through having been a beneficiary member during my 30-year mission in Senegal.

For the procedures relating to membership, contributions and the submission of requests for assistance, I am supported by Ms Marie Victoire and her 10 years of experience. She is able to communicate with the Fathers who are the furthest away, using the current technologies, which allow for rapid processing of the cases and thus assistance being obtained relatively quickly. The Spiritan members of the IMS can thus receive better healthcare in many African countries, but also in Asia and America.

I emphasise the personal nature of the relationship with the IMS; unlike many health insurance contracts offered elsewhere, the quality of the exchanges is particularly appreciable.

Finally, I would recommend to the IMS Groups that they use the Social Fund when necessary; through this mechanism, a few particularly expensive cases have received exceptional additional aid, particularly for medical evacuations.

Sister Eugenie Dena

Manager of the West Africa section

Every year we have new members and those who retire to experience their own insurance or who adhere to the country’s health coverage. There are certainly financial difficulties for some groups, but the spirit of solidarity and sharing is well played out among members who encourage each other. At the meetings of the Major Superiors a lot of exchange and experience are made on the IMS and this earns us invitations.

Participations in diocesan days only in Ivory Coast given the health crisis. We have very regular contacts with local hospitals and clinics and even in some countries of the section. A background work to do and to follow.

We have reception centres accredited by the IMS for rest convalescence (Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo). Six (6) CERAO chambers are approved and made available to the IMS and allow affiliates to spend their rest convalescent from other countries. They are accompanied humanly, spiritually and financially by the help of the social fund. This has become a real pastoral for our section. A social funds commission that meets at least twice a year for this purpose.

We are encouraged and supported by the Bishops of CERAO and all its institutions that pass through and discover the IMS up close.

Sister Claudette Ralivao

Madagascar Section

Sisters of Mary Reparatrix

We have been members of the IMS since January 2017, so for 3 years.

Two years ago, I took on the responsibility of being the representative of our Congregation in Madagascar for the IMS. In a word, working with the teams in Madagascar, I greatly appreciate the personal and professional approach of all the advisers and the great respect shown for the need of each member.

I can say that this helps access for the IMS members. Of course, reimbursements are not a hundred percent, they simply reduce the costs, and this is a sign of solidarity, because up to now your assistance has helped us a lot.

Personally, and in my experience, being a member really helps us and we have the desire to continue.

I now realise that the IMS is experiencing the same spirituality that Jesus had during his time with the apostles. It heals patients and relieves anxiety associated with the lack of resources, especially for long-term treatments such as “dialysis or other diseases”.

A huge thank to the IMS for good advices, help and continuous support and great generosity and mutual assistance.

I strongly encourage the excellent work of the IMS nearby the congregations and dioceses to facilitate access for their members to healthcare and thus facilitate their dedication to the mission.