Sister Miriam Torres
Central America Section
We discovered the existence of the IMS from our general bursar. She visited us in 2015. Being provincial in Africa of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, she was part of one of the IMS Sections. She spoke to us about the assistance, about the good that has been brought to the sisters in a precarious health situation in Africa. And seeing the need we had for medicines or health care for our sisters in the province, she told us to get closer to the representative for America.
For us the IMS has been of vital help. First of all because it includes all the sisters. There is no distinction between being young and healthy and being old. There is no age limit.
The second advantage we have seen is that it covers the whole range of what we might need in terms of medication, treatment, different types of consultations or what we might need.
Thirdly, the sisters’ assistance in terms of health is that it allows us to obtain reimbursement and it gives us easier access to better medical care for the benefit of the sisters.