Central América

Visit to Mexico and Guadalajara

Mexican Province of the Institute of Our Lady of Charity A.R.


Visit Groups of MSH-IMS, Mexico City and Guadalajara, 29 May to 01 June 2022


Br Manuel Matilla, Br Nicéforo Garrán and Mrs Aura Chaj had the opportunity to visit all the groups currently affiliated to IMS in Mexico City and Guadalajara. We were also able to meet with two groups in Guadalajara who were interested in getting information about IMS (Jesuits and Capuchin Friars).


In the meetings with the groups we had the opportunity to share and evaluate the implementation of the new management system. In particular, the use of the extranet provided by MSH was discussed with each group. In addition, MSH’s hospital network was explained and the social assistance offered by IMS (social fund 1 and 2, and reduction of contributions) was reminded.


Thank you very much to everyone for the welcome. We really feel like a family. We are all committed to this great mission of Solidarity Health.




Meetings with groups in Mexico City


111-0047 HH. Maristas México Central / Nuevo Comienzo y Porvenir CA


112-0051 Institución Teresianas México


111-0029 Religiosas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, A. R. México


111-0012 Provincia Mexicana del Instituto de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad A.R.


111-0045 Assumption México / Estados Unidos



Meeting groups Guadalajara, Mexico



Two groups that are not currently in IMS:

1. Jesuit Congregation.

2. Capuchin Friars Minor


112-0038 Mercedarias M. de Berriz


112-0031 Hermanos Maristas Guadalajara, México


112-0054 Misioneras María Xaverianas México