The IMS is an International association incorporated under Swiss law which operates in connection with the Conferences of Major Superiors, the Episcopal Conferences and the leaders of other Christian churches.
A mutual assistance Association in the spirit of the Gospel, it allows Major Superiors and Bishops
to assume their canonical responsibility towards their members in the healthcare field.
Its participatory way of working enables the member communities to participate in the approaches and decisions of the association.
The General Assembly
The General Assembly, composed of delegates of the Groups and Sections from the five member continents of the Association, meets every three years, to decide, in particular, on the triennial accounts and to appoint and revoke the members of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee of the IMS
The Steering Committee of the IMS comprises 15 members from the different areas in which the association is present. They are proposed by the founding member and the associated members (Religious institutes and Episcopal conferences). The Steering Committee meets at least once a year. It is responsible for the general operation of the Association.