Our organisation

The IMS is an International association incorporated under Swiss law which operates in connection with the Conferences of Major Superiors, the Episcopal Conferences and the leaders of other Christian churches.

A mutual assistance Association in the spirit of the Gospel, it allows Major Superiors and Bishops

to assume their canonical responsibility towards their members in the healthcare field. 


See the Canonical obligations


Its participatory way of working enables the member communities to participate in the approaches and decisions of the association.

The General Assembly

The General Assembly, composed of delegates of the Groups and Sections from the five member continents of the Association, meets every three years, to decide, in particular, on the triennial accounts and to appoint and revoke the members of the Steering Committee.


The Steering Committee of the IMS

The Steering Committee of the IMS comprises 15 members from the different areas in which the association is present. They are proposed by the founding member and the associated members (Religious institutes and Episcopal conferences). The Steering Committee meets at least once a year. It is responsible for the general operation of the Association.


Photo : The President, Sister Elisabeth Auliac surrounded by members of the IMS Steering Committee IMS and staff – Paris, November 2024


The sections are the geographical relays of the IMS. 

See section pages

The Sections are responsible for the administrative management of the beneficiary members of the Groups in a geographical area and they play a vital local role for the beneficiaries. They also promote the Mutual Assistance services and development of the IMS in the region in which they are located.

Throughout the year, each section manages the Level 1 Social Fund.

Learn more about Social Fund. 


The Central Office relies on the General section to : 

  • prepare the files submitted to the level 2 Social Fund Committee
  • for training dedicated to the personnel of the other Sections




A Group is formed by the beneficiary members of a community (congregation, diocese, institute, province, apostolic group, etc.).  

Each group freely chooses the Section to which it is attached.

The Group is created by a Superior or Bishop who appoints a responsible person to manage the Group who will be the ordinary correspondent of their community for their Section.

The Group is created by a Superior or a Bishop who appoints a person to manage it and who is the ordinary correspondent of his or her community to the IMS.

The Group Leader is in contact with MSH International to whom the IMS has delegated the management. He/she has access to an online space for :
  • Monitor the list of beneficiaries and the Options selected
  • Apply for membership on the proposed Mutual Aid covers
    or download an excel file for large groups to be forwarded by email (emi@msh-intl.com)
  • Enter online the information of the IMS member and beneficiaries
  • Enter online the start date of membership
  • Enter the deletion online
  • Change the country of mission (email request to emi@msh-intl.com)
  • Make a request to transfer a member to another Option
  • Transmit and enter a request to MSH (invoices, claims, request for reimbursement) via the online space or by post.
  • View and download reimbursed statements
  • Consult the IMS/MSH medical network
  • Edit IMS member cards and certificates

The group leader is responsible for paying the contributions.

The aid is paid into the IMS group’s bank account.

In case of high remaining costs, the group leader can apply for additional support from the Social Fund.

Each beneficiary member feels responsible, through reasonable use of the healthcare.

For details on IMS membership

Getting IMS support after a course of treatment